Wednesday, October 28, 2009

UW Newman Center - UW Common Book Symposium - "Dreams from my Father", Thursday, November 5, 7pm

The UW Newman Center is hosting a symposium on this year’s UW Common Book (the book that all the freshman are required to read and everyone else is encouraged to read), "Dreams from my Father" by President Barack Obama.

While directed to the UW student population, all young adults are welcome to attend!

The event is on:
Thursday, Nov. 5th @7:00pm
and will feature a panel of distinguished guests including;
Ed Taylor, Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education,
Hubert Locke, Professor and Dean Emeritus of Public Affairs
Fr. Jordan Bradshaw, O.P., Director of UW Newman Center

The discussion will be moderated by Christine Ingebritsen, Professor of Scandinavian Studies.

If you have any questions about the event or the UW Newman Center, please contact Janet Heva, Campus Minister.

Janet Heva
Campus Minister
Prince of Peace Catholic Newman Center
at the University of Washington

office: (206) 527-5072
fax: (206) 527-2140

Catholic Newman Center
4502 20th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98105

Monday, October 12, 2009

Catholic Relief Services Food Fast - Who is doing it in Region II?

A request has gone out to see who in Region II is doing Food Fast and whether there would be interest in collaborating. This is a great way to get youth involved in parish youth ministry who might not be involved in other ways and/or to prepare/develop a group for summer mission experiences. You probably have already received your postcard and ordered materials but if not you can get materials and more information online here.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Region II Gathering - Thursday, Oct. 22, 7-9pm, St. Madeline Sophie

We will be coming together to follow up our meeting time at the Fall Gathering at the Palisades Retreat Center on September 10. This will be an important meeting to discuss, among the following:
1. ACCY for 2009-10
2. Gathering schedule for 2009-10
3. Goals, purpose, mission of Region II - what will we focus on in 2009-10.
There will be a formal agenda sent out the week of the meeting. Please contact Tauno Latvala at if you have thoughts!
Address at St. Madeline Sophie is 4400 130th Place SE, Bellevue, WA 98006

Region II Blog Page Up and Running...

This blog page will give all those involved in Youth and Young Adult Ministry in Region II an opportunity to find out what is going on in regards to the region. If you have ideas about what would be helpful in regards to information or posts, please contact Tauno Latvala at Look for posts to come...