Friday, February 26, 2010

Region II Meeting - ACCY conversation

Thanks to David Morris and the St. Bernadette community for hosting us last night for our February Region II meeting. Among the things discussed was ACCY. Our plan is to meet twice prior to the ACCY Spring Gathering/Commissioning on June 5th.

We will be meeting twice among the dates of:
March 27
April 10, 17, 24
May 1

Please check with your youth and adult leaders who will be involved with ACCY and see what will work for them. Because of where we are in the timeline and the year, we will not necessarily be able to accomodate everyone at both meetings but the hope is we would get a majority of people involved between the two of them and start formally with the June 5th gathering for next year's group. If you have individuals who are graduating this year and will not be around next year but want to be part of that formative process, they can be your parish representatives...

While we will use the 2 gatherings prior to June 5th as a springboard into next year, it is not required that the youth representatives from your parish continue on into 2010-11. That is up to each individual parish.

We are looking at a timeframe of 10-1pm. The hope/expectation is that each parish that participates would come up with 2 youth leaders and 1-2 adult leaders for the regional ACCY.

The subcommittee will continue its work on fleshing out other items related to ACCY in the weeks prior to our next Region II Meeting on March 25.

The basic outline for the first Region II ACCY gathering will be:
1. Community building/networking
2. Role of ACCY - Listening Session where youth leaders voice their thoughts
3. Mission/purpose - visioning what ACCY in Region II will be about

Contact Joy Galvez or Tauno Latvala with questions...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

REVISED DATES for ONE WEEK - HS and Junior High

Please note the change in dates for the Bellingham High School site as noted in red below.

For more information about a particular site or for registering your group, please contact Britta Folden at 206.382.2010 and/or Please keep in mind that it will be first come, first served in filling these spots once registration materials are available. Your non-refundable deposit check per participant holds your spot until confirmation of numbers date...look for more information to come!

July 18-23 - Hoquiam
August 1-6 - Forks
August 8-13 - Everett/Snohomish
August 15-20 - Seattle

July 11-16 - Forks
July 25-30 - Seattle
August 1-6 - Hoquiam
August 8-13 - Bellingham - NOTE: changed dates

Monday, February 15, 2010

Chaste Teens Less Likely to be Depressed

Here is an article on the Catholic News Agency website regarding a study that indicates that chastity positively impacts teens. Confirming things we know but giving us numbers for discussions with teens and/or parents.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Junior High Rally - REGION II REPRESENT!!!

Britta Folden, OYYAM Events Coordinator is trying to fill in the leader positions for Rally and she could use some help...

Currently, we have two potential youth speakers, but neither have been confirmed and it would be good to have a few others to choose from.

Also, we need a couple of groups to lead a prayer during each of the 2 general sessions.

Lastly, we need 2 readers and servers for Mass.

This is a great way to be directly involved with Rally and get some buzz going among your youth to participate in this annual event!

Britta can be contacted at 206.382.2010 or

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"Saint?" Kateri

Many of you will remember this story about Jake Finkbonner recently posted on KUOW website telling the account of the boy and Blessed Kateri and the investigation that may lead to sainthood.

Letter from Haiti: Thank You All

Click here to go to a letter from senior communications officer for CRS, Caroline Brennan, who is in Haiti to report on the progress of earthquake recovery efforts on February 4, 2010

She closes the letter with the following...

In the meantime, thank you for making this possible and please keep the people of Haiti in your thoughts and prayers.

A saying is popular in Haiti that you can hear on the streets and in camps:
"Nou bite men nou pap tonbe. We may stumble but we will not fall."

Indeed, with your support, few things have rung so true.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Faith Trek 2, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Federal Way ~ Saturday, February 27, 2010

If you are looking for a one-day event to enliven your practice of faith, Faith Trek 2 may be for you!

Please go to for more information or you can also contact Maryelyn Scholz at 253.839.2320 or

Please keep in mind that if you are planning on participating the CMD Youth Ministry Studies program that this is the same weekend.

Sometimes it is important to laugh...

The following joke comes from Jim at Totally Catholic Fundraising (one of our booths at Youth Convention) at

After receiving a beautiful haircut, a doctor asks the barber, "How much do I owe you?""Oh, I never charge a doctor," the barber replies. "You all do such good, important work."

The next morning, the barber arrives at his shop and finds a thank you note and a bottle of wine on his doorstep from the doctor.

Later that day, a police officer walks into the same barbershop. After a beautiful haircut, the police office asks the barber, "How much do I owe you?""Oh, I never charge a police officer," the barber replies. "You all do such good, important work."

The next morning, the barber arrives at his shop and finds a thank you note and a box of candy on his doorstep from the police officer.

Later that day, a youth minister walks into the same barbershop. After a beautiful haircut, the youth minister asks the barber, "How much do I owe you?""Oh, I never charge a youth minister," the barber replies. "You all do such good, important work."

The next morning, the barber arrives at his shop and finds twelve youth ministers on his doorstep.