Monday, June 7, 2010

WEBINAR: "Building up the RCIA" sponsored by PNCEA

The Paulist National Catholic Evangelization Association (PNCEA) was founded by the Paulist Fathers in 1977 to equip Catholics to evangelize.

Join PNCEA for a free webinar:
"Invitation to Conversation: Building up the RCIA"
with Rev. Frank DeSiano, CSP
Tuesday, June 15, 2010, at 3pm EDT
Register for this event now
Or view a video invitation and register from our website.

All you need to participate is an internet connection and computer speakers or headset.

Audio also available by phone connection (toll charges will apply).

Event will be recorded for those unable to attend.
Download webinar handout in color or in black and white.

Write to with questions.