Friday, May 21, 2010

"Keeping our Youth Catholic - It Takes a Village to Raise a Child" - St. Joseph (Iss), Monday, May 24, 7pm

There is an opportunity for parents to attend an adult enrichment class at St. Joseph Parish in Issaquah (220 Mt. Park Boulevard, Issaquah, WA 98027) on Monday, May 24, at 7pm in the Parish Hall.

Tim Greer will be facilitating, "Keeping our Youth Catholic - It Takes a Village to Raise a Child"

If you are interested and want more details, please contact the parish at 425.392.5516 or

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program, Year One, 2011

Here are the dates for CMD Youth Ministry Studies Certificate Program for Year One, which will take place in 2011.

March 12-13, 2011~~~Evangelization & Catechesis~~~Tom East
April 9-10, 2011~~~Prayer & Worship~~~Susan Searle
September 24-25, 2011~~~Justice & Service~~~Joan Weber
November 19-20, 2011~~~Pastoral Care~~~Sr. Carolyn Coll, RSM

For more information,
OYYAM Contact: Britta Folden @ (206) 382-2010 or
Information from the Center for Ministry Development

Monday, May 17, 2010


Upcoming (FREE) Webinar Opportunities for NACYML Members

Saying 'Amen' to Lay Ecclesial Ministry - May 25, 2010, 4-5pm ET
Bishop Matthew Clark will be giving a forty-five minute presentation on lay ecclesial ministry and fifteen minutes for Q&A.

Visit the webinar website for more information and to register. Space is limited.

Peace in the Holy Land: New Possibilities - May 26, 2010, 2-3pm ET
This Catholics Confront Global Poverty webcast explores the prospect for peace and how Catholics can make a difference.

RSVP to participate in this webinar! Space is limited so act now!

Youth & Young Adults and Mental Illness - June 10, 2010, 1-2pm ET
Webinar with Robert McCarty, DMin and Paul Myers, PhD

(see previous blog on May 10, 2010 for link to flyer)

Monday, May 10, 2010

WEBINAR: "Advanced Considerations: Mental Illness in Youth and Young Adults" - June 10, 2010

Please note. The date for this webinar was changed from May 4 to June 10. It takes place from 10-11am PDT.

We have been made aware of a webinar available to all youth and young adult ministry coordinators in the Archdiocese of Seattle because we are a member of the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM).

It is entitled, "Advanced Considerations: Mental Illness in Youth and Young Adults" and will include a presentation by the Executive Director of NFCYM, Bob McCarty.

Please go to this document for more information and to register.