Monday, January 11, 2010

Jr. High Rally Details...Flyers to be available in mid-January...

Registration brochures will be available mid January...

Junior High Rally 2010
Saturday, March 6th

Highline Community College
S 240th & Pacific Hwy South
Des Moines, WA

$50 per person on or before February 22nd
$55 per person between February 22nd and March 5th
$60 per person at the door (no t-shirt)
No refund after March 1st

Special opportunity! For every youth a parish brings over the number they brought to Rally 2009, the cost is only $10 per youth!

Tauno will request the registration numbers from last year so if you are interested in verifying how many you had, please let him know. This is a great way to make the experience more affordable by spreading out the costs among your participants. For those of you that didn't bring youth participants last year, this is a SCREAMING deal.

Get some preliminary information into your bulletins, family folders and information kiosks so that people save the date and so you can recruit your team of chaperones...also know that as per our policy we will not be scheduling CYO Athletics for 6-9th graders for that Saturday so there will NOT be a conflict.

Please remember that you must choose between scholarship and this discount and that adult chaperones are required to register as participants and pay full price. Many parishes build chaperone cost into their "parish fee" if their budget doesn't allow for it.

Participants must be in 6th through 9th grade

Meals are not included. Please bring a sack lunch/dinner or make plans to visit off-site restaurants. The on-campus college cafeteria will be open for purchase of food.

Each participant who registers by March 5th will receive a tshirt.
(Ed. note: Please pay particular attention to this. Because we have to order the t-shirts in advance and in an effort to keep sunk costs down, we try to be as close to actual registrations as possible, this is pretty important to be aware of. Thanks.)

8:30am Registration Open (in Gym)
10:00am General Session I
11:15am Workshop I
12:15pm Lunch (on your own)
1:30pm General Session II
2:45pm Workshop II
4:00pm Mass
5:30pm Dinner (on your own)
7:30pm Dance & Games
9:00pm End and Depart

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