Monday, January 11, 2010

Youth Ministry Studies Program - Empower and Train Leadership!

Interested in gaining confidence in your role with youth? Do you need a way of gaining credibility, but don’t have the time for a degree?

Do you want to stabilize and grow youth ministry in your parish or school setting?

Need training for core team members or youth ministry leadership that will root them in effective philosophy and best practices of youth ministry?

A mailing is on the way to pastors/pastoral coordinators with a more detailed brochure and program information. If you did not receive one at your parish, please let Tauno know.

The Youth Ministry Studies program is a ministry education program for those in ministry with youth, ages 11 to 18, in both parish and school settings. It equips leaders with the knowledge, skills, practical tools and techniques needed for creative and comprehensive ministry with youth. Recognized by the Archdiocese, these programs provide a solid foundation in catechetical formation and a specialized education in ministry involving adolescent youth.

The program includes eight courses. The primary aim of the program is to promote personal, spiritual and ministerial growth. Participating leaders will experience confidence, competence and credibility in their roles in youth ministry.

Courses will be offered on the weekends at our office in Seattle. The first course, Principles of Youth Ministry is coming up on February 27 – 28th! Optional housing and meals will be covered by the cost of the program.

We went back to the weekend format so that volunteers and youth ministry leadership who have other commitments during the weekdays could participate. Please don't see this as for "only the people who get paid". This is an incredible way to invest in the youth ministry in your parish by broadening the scope of who is speaking the language and who is empowered to support and/or lead youth ministry in a comprehensive way. As always, please don't let cost prohibit participation, if financial concerns are an issue, please talk with Tauno (at 206.382.2019 or or with Britta Folden who coordinates the program for OYYAM (please see her contact information below) about scholarships.

Find out more about the Youth Ministry Studies program and the other dates on the new and improved OYYAM website here and learn more about the Center for Ministry Development here (there is a link on their main page on the bottom to find out more about this program).

Interested in signing up or getting more info? Contact

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