Thursday, January 21, 2010

Update on Haitian Earthquake Response from CRS

Special Report: January 20, 2010

"I believe that our charity and the way in which we live this crisis will help increase our humanity. It will help us be more generous, open and available to each other, because the symbolic ways of living together has been destroyed."

-Bishop Pierre Dumas, President of Caritas Haiti

Latest News from Haiti
 CRS has committed $25 million to the emergency response and
rebuilding of Haiti.
 CRS has worked in Haiti, whose population is 80 percent
Catholic, for more than 50 years. The 313 staff of CRS in Haiti
started helping people within hours of the earthquake.
 Food is moving to people in need. CRS is arranging the
distribution of 2,100 metric tons of vegetable oil and grains from
the USAID for Food for Peace program.
 The CRS/Caritas team helped the St. Francois de Sales Hospital
open three operating rooms which are now up and running.
 For the most up to date information visit or the
CRS blog. http:/
US Catholics Respond
Over the past week, the US Catholic community has poured out compassion for the people of Haiti. Here are just a few examples:
 Catholics and other people of goodwill have donated $16.5 million to CRS for Haiti relief to date. Dozens of dioceses have held or will hold a special collection for Haiti.
 Social media has helped many CRS supporters express their compassion. CRS Facebook Fans have shared the link to on their profile page.
 Thirty priests and deacons who are CRS Global Fellows are preaching in parishes nationwide. Hundreds of local pastors have focused their homilies on our gospel response to those in need in Haiti.
 Schools and youth groups are finding creative ways to raise funds for Haiti. For example, youth groups are dedicating funds from their CRS Food Fast events to Haiti relief. Seaton Keough High School in Baltimore and Holy Cross School in Rumson, NJ organized school-wide dress down days, the latter raising nearly $19,000 in one day.

For youth/educator resources visit:

Pray and Give

Visit: for prayers, resources and information about the Haiti Earthquake.
Call: 877-Help-CRS (877-435-7277) to give.
Mail: Catholic Relief Services, Attn: Haiti Earthquake, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21203-7090

Please share this with other Catholics interested in responding to the Haiti earthquake relief effort.

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